You may have heard about alkaline diet before but you didn’t give it much thought then. Why would you? You were at the peak of your health. Meat, carbohydrates, poultry, sugar and some fruits and vegetables in particular are acidic. These are mostly your favorite foods and through the years you been eating them nonstop. If we include the hard drinks and cigarettes, these are the nails in your coffins. How about giving it a try? You may not be feeling great right now and if you read some more you may discover the wonders of eating alkaline foods?
So What Are The General Signs That You Need An Alkalizing Diet?
If you’re always weak and feeling sick, it’s an obvious indication that your body is super acidic and needs to be hosed down. Your systems are burning and you need to cool it down. What are the other imminent signs? Body pains and aches even with slight or no physical activities are involved. You may look older than your age and have constant joint inflammations which are early signs of arthritis. Back pains are also giving you troubles despite your young age. Okay, how about a maintenance pill for your high blood. That’s another bad sign. These should not be taken lightly. Ten years from now you’ll more serious chronic illnesses.
Your cellular homeostasis will slow down and the production of important life and energy giving functions is impaired. With acidity comes production of pathogens and oxidants which definitely will hobble you no end. You don’t want to exercise anymore and because you're used to eating highly acidic food you can’t find it in your life to adjust to healthier kinds of foods. You’re destroying your body and you’re going on a trip of no return.
Am I being morbid; far from it? I’m just the messenger so please don’t “shoot me.” Give yourself a chance and ask for professional help. Alkaline diets may not be as tasty as your present food preference but you’d be surprised that they can be tasty as well.
The first thing you can do is drink alkaline water. Make it your daily water of choice. Then slow down on your acidic foods. Exercise by just walking around your lawn or block for 5 minutes then slowly increases it until you reach 30 minutes daily. These will help bring down the pH level of your body from being acidic to alkaline.
In doing this, you will increase your energy level and becomes more active. Get those alkaline foods as part of your daily life. You may not be able to get rid of your acidic foods right away but let the ratio be 20% acidic and 80% alkaline. If you can do this until your acidic diet will ultimately reduce to once a week, you’re going to discover that life is healthier and happier with alkaline food around.
It’s important that you should seek medical at the outset when you start feeling weak. Then you can begin with your alkaline food regimen after.